ql.io on Joyent's no.de

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If you’re interested in setting a ql.io app instance on a Joyent’s no.de, here is how.

  • Clone the template app
git clone git@github.com:ql-io/ql-io.no.de.git

This template includes a server.js, some sample ql.io scripts.

  • Create a SmartMachine instance on no.de.

  • Push the app to no.de

# Assuming your smart machine name is "foo"
cd ql-io.no.de
git remote add foo.no.de foo.no.de:repo
git push foo.no.de master

This will push the app to your SmartMachine, and bring it up.

  • Try a sample route.
curl http://foo.no.de/myapi

Use http://foo.no.de/console to view the console.

See ql.no.de/myapi to see this example in action.